Adopt axolotl fundraiser flyer by Tinywich

The Ultimate Guide to Axolotls

At Tinywich, we love axolotls a whole lotl. In this article, we are going to tell you all about axolotls, why they are in trouble, and how you can help! If you buy our axolotl toys, we will donate to save real axolotls! Find out more below. This is our love letter to axolotls (pronounced AX-oh-lot-uls).

Why is the Tinywich family obsessed with axolotls?

Our family first fell in love with axolotls when they were introduced to the game Minecraft in 2020. We have played Minecraft together for a very long time! The addition of axolotls made us so happy. Since then, it seems like everyone has fallen for the adorable cute salamanders. Axolotls may have inspired some Pokemon characters and Toothless from the movie "How to Train Your Dragon." Axolotls are also the sales mascot for Girl Sout cookie season 2023-2024, and many of our customers are Girl Scouts. We can't resist but add lots of cute axolotls to our shop.

How can we help?

Did you know that real axolotls are endangered? From now until April 15, 2024, every time you buy an axolotl toy from us, we will donate 15% of the sale price to a charity helping axolotls and their habitat. Click here to see our collection of axolotl toys. We will use the donations to adopt an axolotl virtually through the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). You can learn more about this organization below or on their website. Click here to make your own donation to this amazing cause. 

We are so obsessed with axolotls around here that we decided to learn everything we could about these fantastic and rare creatures. We would love a pet axolotl, but they are not allowed in California. Instead of getting a pet, we want to use our toy shop to raise awareness and hopefully make donations for the cute little salamanders. But beyond their cute appearance and seemingly magical abilities, axolotls hold a deeper meaning, especially when it comes to the environment and conservation efforts. Let's dive into the world of axolotls, learn why they are endangered, and discover how we can help protect them.

What is a salamander?

A salamander is a type of amphibian that looks like a lizard. They are known for their slender body, tail, and moist skin. Salamanders are found in a variety of environments, from damp forests to streams. They are unique among amphibians for their ability to regenerate lost limbs and other body parts. Salamanders undergo a life cycle that includes both aquatic and terrestrial stages for many species, although some, like the axolotl, remain aquatic throughout their lives. 

What are Axolotls exactly?

Axolotls are truly fascinating creatures from Xochimilco, an area with a unique network of canals and lagoons in Mexico City. Imagine a network of beautiful water canals, almost like a water maze, full of floating gardens. This is where axolotls love to live. They prefer cool, fresh water where they can hide and hunt for food. Known for their friendly faces and incredible ability to regrow lost body parts, these aquatic salamanders have captured the hearts of people all around the world.

What are those feathery frills on axolotls' heads?

The frills on an axolotl's head are actually its gills. These feathery gills allow the axolotl to breathe underwater by absorbing oxygen from the water. The gills have a large surface area, making it easier for the axolotl to take in the oxygen it needs. As water passes over the gills, oxygen is transferred into the axolotl's bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is expelled, enabling these fascinating creatures to live their entire lives underwater.

Why do axolotls smile?

Almost all of our axolotl toys here at Tinywich have a cute smile. Axolotls appear to smile due to the shape of their mouths and relaxed facial structure. This "smile" doesn't necessarily mean the axolotl is happy. The shape of their face gives them a friendly and cute appearance. The sweet smile is simply a part of their anatomy that endears them to many people.

What colors are axolotls?

In Minecraft and many of our toys, axolotls come in a wide range of bright colors. However, In the wild, axolotls are primarily found with darker colors that blend with their natural habitat, ranging from greenish-brown to nearly black. These colors help them camouflage in the murky waters of their environment. However, due to selective breeding in captivity, axolotls can exhibit a variety of colors, including pale pink with red eyes, and golden with gold eyes. Their wild coloration is specifically adapted for life in their natural habitat.

Where do axolotls get their name?

The word "axolotl" comes from the Nahuatl language, which was spoken by the Aztecs and is still spoken in some parts of Mexico today. It is often translated as "water monster" or "water sprite," reflecting the creature's aquatic nature and meaning in Aztec mythology and culture. The name captures the axolotl's intriguing essence and its importance in the ecosystem of its native habitat in the lakes and canals near Mexico City. Axolotl is spelled "ajolote" in Spanish.

What makes axolotls so special?

Axolotls are not the typical pets or animals you might find in a pond. They are a type of salamander that never undergoes metamorphosis, which means they live their entire lives underwater, unlike other amphibians that transition to land. This unique trait allows them to regenerate almost any part of their body, from their heart to their limbs and even parts of their brain, making them very interesting to scientists. They are 1000 times more resistant to cancer than mammals and it's like axolotls never grow up. Imagine if, one day, people could resist cancer or regrow lost limbs based on science learned from axolotls!

Why do axolotl have legs if they live swimming underwater?

Axolotls have legs and a tail to adapt to a fully aquatic lifestyle. The legs allow them to walk along the bottom of their freshwater habitat, while the tail is used for swimming. This combination of limbs and tail enables axolotls to navigate through water effectively, whether they're searching for food or avoiding predators. Their physical structure reflects their unique position in the evolutionary path, retaining both larval and adult features in a state known as neoteny.

Do axolotls have predators?

In their natural habitat, axolotls face predators such as large fish, birds, and even humans, who may capture them for pets. In the wild, their natural camouflage helps them blend into their surroundings to avoid these threats. However, habitat destruction and water pollution also pose significant risks to their survival.

Are Axolotls Good Pets?

While axolotls are undoubtedly adorable and fascinating, keeping them as pets requires special care and a commitment to mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible. They need a cool, freshwater aquarium with specific conditions to stay healthy. Providing them with a balanced diet is essential to keep them healthy and happy. Overfeeding or poor water quality can harm them. Axolotls can live 10-15 years, which makes them a big commitment. Although they are usually smaller in captivity, they can grow to be as long as 18 inches. This means they will need a huge aquarium. Before considering an axolotl as a pet, it's important to research and ensure you can provide the proper care they need.

What do Axolotls eat?

Axolotls are carnivores, which means they eat meat. In the wild, their diet consists of small fish, worms, and aquatic insects. There are special pellets for pet owners, but they also like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and sometimes small pieces of lean meat like chicken or beef liver.

Axolotls in California: Can you keep them as pets?

In some places like California, you're not allowed to have axolotls as pets. The reason is to protect local wildlife and ecosystems. When exotic animals like axolotls are released into the wild, they can cause big problems for native species. So, it's really important to know the laws about pet ownership where you live to keep both your pets and the environment safe. 

Why are Axolotls in Trouble?

Unfortunately, axolotls are facing critical challenges in the wild. Their only natural known habitat is in canals in Xochimilco, an area in Mexico City. This area is famous for its ancient network of canals and artificial islands called "chinampas." A canal is like a river but made by humans instead of nature. Mexico City is a vibrant and busy metropolis and one of the largest cities in the world! It's known for its rich history, colorful culture, and beautiful architecture. The city is home to over 20 million people, making it a lively place with lots of energy and diversity. 

These canals are part of what was once a huge water transport system built by the Aztecs. The Xochimilco canals are not just a glimpse into the past, but also a place of beauty and floating gardens. They're a popular tourist attraction where visitors can enjoy scenic boat rides at night. These flat-bottomed boats called “trajineras” are covered with colorful lights. Tourists can enjoy for dinner while they explore floating gardens, and experience the local culture and traditions on the boats. Xochimilco is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical significance and unique agricultural techniques.

Unfortunately, this habitat for axolotls is under threat from pollution, urbanization, and invasive species, leading to a dramatic decline in their population. Over 99% of the natural axolotl population is already gone! These factors have placed the axolotl on the endangered species list, sparking efforts to save them from extinction.

How can you help save axolotls?

There are many ways to help protect axolotls and their habitat. One impactful method is through donations and support of conservation programs. For instance, the AdoptAxolotl campaign by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) focuses on preserving the axolotl's natural environment in Xochimilco. The campaign works on several fronts, including improving water quality, building axolotl shelters in the canals, and public education about the importance of conservation.

What is UNAM?

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) is a premier public research university in Mexico. It's recognized for its comprehensive range of academic programs, including humanities, sciences, and engineering, serving as a pivotal institution for higher education and research in Latin America. UNAM also contributes significantly to cultural and social development, emphasizing its autonomy in fostering academic freedom and intellectual innovation.

Adopt, don't shop!

You can virtually adopt an axolotl through a donation. This money helps fund efforts to maintain and restore their natural habitat, ensuring they can thrive in the wild. The campaign offers many direct donation options, starting with a $10 donation to "invite an axolotl to dinner." These donations contribute to the care and preservation of axolotls, protecting their food resources for their diets and maintaining their aquatic homes.

Becoming a conservation hero

Every small action counts when it comes to conservation. By learning about axolotls and sharing their story, you can raise awareness among friends and family. Supporting sustainable practices, reducing pollution, and participating in local conservation efforts can make a difference. Remember, protecting axolotls means preserving a part of our world's natural heritage and biodiversity.

Help keep waterways clean.

For axolotls and all other aquatic life, clean water is super important. Even if you don't live near axolotls, other animals and fish need our help. When trash and harmful chemicals get into rivers, lakes, and oceans, it makes it hard for water animals and plants to survive. We can all help by doing simple things like not littering, recycling, and using fewer pollutants. Even small actions can make a big difference in keeping our waterways clean and safe for everyone.

A little effort goes a long way!

Axolotls are more than just cute faces; they are a vital part of our ecosystem and a reminder of the delicate balance of nature. While they may not be the easiest pets to care for, their unique characteristics and crucial role in the environment make them incredibly important. By supporting conservation efforts and educating others about their plight, we can all help ensure that axolotls continue to thrive in the wild for generations to come.

By understanding more about axolotls and their needs, we can all be heroes for the environment. Whether it's making sure we don't keep animals we shouldn't, learning about and respecting their natural homes, or helping keep our planet clean, every little bit helps. Let's work together to make sure beautiful creatures like axolotls can thrive in their natural habitats for a long time.

Please help us help axolotls!

 You can also donate directly to them here.


If you got to the bottom of this it means that you really like axolotls! Thank you for reading and helping me finally learn how to spell “axolotl!"

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