Celebrating International Women's Day with Jenga

Celebrating International Women's Day with Jenga

Tinywich is a woman-owned and operated company, and we love to showcase other women entrepreneurs. Today, on International Women's Day, we would like to highlight Jenga's inventor, Leslie Scott. In a world where entertainment options seem endless, Jenga is a timeless classic. This beloved game is a testament to the power of simplicity and a celebration of creativity and fun. You can buy The World's Smallest Jenga on our site here. At Tinywich, we firmly believe that big fun can come in small packages.

A hand holding a tiny Jenga block above a pile of miniature Jenga blocks

Leslie Scott is an accomplished British board game designer, entrepreneur, and do-gooder. In her twenties, she invented her own game and started her own company, Leslie Scott Associates. Scott launched Jenga in 1983 at the London Toy Fair, knowing little about retail or the toy industry. Scott's inspiration for the game came from her childhood experiences growing up in Africa. Her family owned a saw mill and she and her family played with wooden blocks, creating intricate structures and toppling them with glee. Drawing from these memories, she developed the concept of Jenga, combining the thrill of building with the suspense of impending collapse.

The game did not sell well at first. People were bothered by the name. Having grown up speaking Swahili, Scott was determined to make the game a success and keep the name. Jenga is derived from the Swahili word "kujenga," which means "to build." With some licensing partnerships, Jenga eventually became a hit. Scott would later go on to co-found Oxford Games Ltd with her friend Sara Finch. The company has developed dozens of wonderful games, including Ex Libris: The Game of First Lines and Last Words. They can ship to the US for a reasonable fee, so check out their games here.

Just in case you have never played let's explain Jenga. There are 54 wooden blocks stacked in layers of three, forming a tower. Players take turns removing one block at a time from the tower's lower levels and placing it on top, thus gradually increasing the tower's height. The catch? The tower becomes increasingly unstable with each block removed, requiring careful strategy, a steady hand, and nerves of steel to avoid causing a collapse. The tension builds with each move, making every game a thrilling experience filled with laughter, anticipation, and sometimes even a bit of friendly competition.

 What makes Jenga truly special is its versatility. Whether played casually during a family game night, at a lively party, or even in competitive tournaments, Jenga never fails to captivate and entertain. Its simple rules and intuitive gameplay make it accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, fostering moments of connection and camaraderie among friends and family.

In recent years, Jenga has continued to evolve, adapting to changing times while retaining its timeless appeal. One notable innovation is the creation of the World's Smallest Jenga game, a marvel of engineering and design that retains all the fun and excitement of the original in a compact, pocket-sized package. This miniature version allows players to enjoy Jenga anytime, anywhere, as long as you have concentration and dexterity on your side. 

As we celebrate International Women's Day, it's fitting to recognize Leslie Scott's contribution to the world of gaming. Jenga's invention brings millions joy but also serves as a reminder of the remarkable achievements of women in fields traditionally dominated by men. Scott's creativity, perseverance, and entrepreneurial spirit inspire women business owners and game designers everywhere, demonstrating that with vision and determination, anything is possible.

So, why not mark this special day, with a game of Jenga? With each block carefully pulled and stacked, you'll not only be building a tower, but you can build fun memories together. Jenga stands as an iconic testament to the power of fun, invention, and playfulness. If you want some time alone to de-stress The World's Smallest Jenga is a mediative activity that requires the utmost concentration and care. Take a break from all you do and spend some time playing and celebrating women!


About Jenga: The Remarkable Business of Creating a Game that Became a Household Name by Leslie Scott Published by Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2009



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